Post by Sunmist/Tessa on Jan 3, 2010 3:59:58 GMT
Peace has survived too long in this town, and as everyone knows, it never lasts.
June 27th 2009;
A new family has moved into town, nice, lovable people. The man of the house, John, has taken up the job of local sheriff for the town. His wife, Sherry, now works as a forest ranger protecting the surrounding mountains. They have two young children.
June 28th, 2009;
The hospital is over booked, it seems the rate of the flu has run higher this year. Doctors are double booking visits, seeing two patients at a time. Nurses are booked back to back, some shifts overlapping others. Receptionists can’t keep up with panicked phone calls from desperate parents.
June 29th, 2009;
Smoke rises from the local high school, teachers roam around panicked as the students flee the scene. Strange remnants of paper bags and brown powder found at scene.
July 30th, 2009;
The children of Sherry and John turn up in the high school, confused and disheveled. Teachers try to figure out what is wrong. The children die in the math classroom.
July 1st, 2009;
Sherry and John pretend to be saddened by their children’s’ deaths. Suspicion rises that they had something to do with it. Man dies for asking to many questions.
July 2nd, 2009;
Seventeen people die at the hospital, after the autopsy the doctors realize that they are not dealing with the flu, but a super bug.
The interview of Dr. Hall Robinson concluded as follows;
Q; What were the symptoms?
A; You never know if you are infected or not. But once you come in contact with the trigger the disease heightens. You don’t know when the disease has started revenging your body. At day two of the disease people seemed sluggish, unwilling to move around a lot, some experienced chills, others headaches, others had decreased apatite. At day three the runny nose started, then couching and phlegm appeared. It was horrible. Everything we did couldn’t slow it down. After four days the necks of the patients started turning blue, the eyes red, and the hands and feet were consumed by the ‘tingly’ sensation.
Q; What did you find after the autopsy?
A; All the organs of the victims were an un-natural purple blue color. It was as if someone had been hitting them over and over.
Q; What is it?
A; We don’t know.
July 3rd, 2009;
Research begins on super bug. At 11:53 PM that night it was discovered to be a combination of the black plague and Influenza. They call it Septemza Plague. Five more die at the hospital.
July 4th, 2009;
All television and radio channels change to static. Five minuets after static starts a voice comes over the line.
“My name is Christopher John Mallek. A total of twenty two people have died at your hospital thus far. Many more will. This disease affects everyone. Humans, Vampires, Shifters, Elementals, Lycans. You are all the same. Now I challenge you to my little game.
Find the cure, before it kills you.”
The static resumed. That night Shelly and John Mallek packed up their bags and left one brown paper sack on the doorstep of the high school, the hospital, the mayors office, and the café. Inside a little box wrapped in purple paper and tied together with a red bow was found. When opened a strange brown powder fell to the floor, and a note fluttered through the air.
“A gift for you. Enjoy”
The town is infected, who is infected? No body knows.
Other info;
John and Shelly are NPC’s, the used their children to spread the disease.
Deaths are NPC’s, no characters will die unless the creator wants them to.
Random characters may be infected.
The brown powder was a fine powder of the disease.
The world is changing, the time it new, and the future is unclear. Right now everything is Running Cold.